Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 3 Koh Samui

I hopped up early at 6am and did whistle playing on the beach where I saw a strange boat.  It was made from 3 big surfboards with a platform on top. It had an umbrella for shade, a plastic chair for comfort and some large plastic bottles...which I guess were there to cling to when it sinks.  For propulsion it had a small mower engine with a long shaft and a propeller on the end.  Classy.
Next we went and bought a pair of knock off Ray Ban sunglasses from the main street. It was a bit breezy and the rich aromas from the sewers made us gag a few times.  It's hard to get used to it as it's not a smell you experience too much of at home.

I can't stop drinking these coconut drinks.IMGP1108

In the afternoon we took a stroll through the local produce market. MMmmm what can I say. I guess this is where the ingredients for our dinner comes from. IMGP1110

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Why you eat Rose for dinner?

You LOVE stinky drying fish. All white men do. I read it on the interweb.